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Top 5 Best JavaScript Frameworks to Use in 2021


Looking for useful JavaScript frameworks and libraries? Check out our review and find out exactly what is right for your project.

JavaScript (JS) is one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world. Web developers actively use JS to design, animate, and create web pages. Along with HTML and CSS, JavaScript can move mountains, namely make a web page interactive and as interesting as possible for users.

JavaScript doesn’t limit itself. Instead, it continues to evolve. It is the most versatile programming language, backed by its ability to develop applications for a wide range of platforms such as Android, Windows, and iOS.

The main advantages of JS:

  • Flexibility – changes are welcome.
  • Reliability – works and changes in accordance with certain priorities.
  • Scalability.

Let’s take a look at a few JavaScript frameworks and libraries that are still relevant.


An open source UI framework that continues to evolve as best front end framework. Deservedly the most popular JS framework according to GitHub statistics. Vue.js redraws a minimal amount of components and supports third-party library integration. Like React.js, Vue.js is very fast, uses the Virtual DOM, and provides reactivity and component structure.


  • Easy integration into projects using other libraries.
  • It can work as a framework for building advanced single page applications.


This Google-developed JS popular javascript frameworks has set a new bar. An indispensable framework designed not only for software developers, but also for designers. AngularJS, Angular 2 and Angular 4 are firmly established among the in-demand frameworks. It is an open platform that will help you create SPA applications (Single Pages Applications), perform two-way binding to dynamically modify data, etc.


  • Developers face fewer bugs because data binding is built around Angular elements.
  • Various MVC elements are supported.
  • Works well in Agile environment.


jQuery and JavaScript have a long and strong relationship. With an MIT license, this library provides application developers with the ability to write shorter code, thereby reducing workload. Supports DOM manipulation and in tandem with CSS can come in handy for any task.


  • It is widely used due to its fast processing.
  • It behaves the same in all browsers.


Next to join the league is a library for working with this best js framework on split screen websites. It is the heart and soul of IT companies and various business websites. This JS library comes into play when you need to solve the problem of partially refreshing the content of a web page. An ideal tool for large-scale web projects. React.js functionality contributes to the improvement of the UI.


  • Free and Open Source.
  • Can use already written code.
  • Supports virtual DOM functionality.


This server side JS framework will be next. Responsive, non-blocking and fast tool. GoDaddy and Paypal are just a few of the big names using Node.js. It is best suited for I / O and streaming applications.


  • Such software can run on multiple hosts.
  • Enabling fast servers.


Titanium is both an SDK and a cloud platform for building / distributing top front end frameworks. A quality, affordable and easy-to-learn tool. Titanium, one of the most popular javascript frameworks, is designed for cross-platform development, which is ideal for building rich applications.


  • Ease of learning and implementation.
  • High performance structure.
  • For desktop and mobile cross-platform software.


Another among most popular js frameworks of the open source JavaScript frameworks. The main advantage lies in the massive repository that can serve as a vocabulary for application development. Simplifies the creation of scalable single pages and provides two-way data binding.


  • Easily configurable in the system.
  • Deploys large user interfaces.

This review will help to make the right choice for those who are busy choosing a framework for their next web project.

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