
What are the cryptocurrency and taxation challenges?


Cryptocurrency has been in the news lately as tax authorities believe they can be used to raise money and avoid taxes. Even the Supreme Court appointed a special investigative team on Black Money to discourage trade in such currency. While China has been reported to have banned its largest bitcoin trading operators, countries such as the United States and Canada have rules to ban stock trading in cryptocurrency. Special users called ‘minerals’ can solve a secret book and attach extra code to a publicly shared block and get more cryptocurrency in the process. Once a miner confirms the transaction, the record in the block cannot be changed or deleted. The is one of the best tools ever for us and will be more than helpful of anything in such kind of services providers.

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency, as the name suggests, uses encrypted codes to affect transactions. These codes are identified by other computers in the user community. Instead of using paper money, a simple online booklet is updated with general book-keeping entries. The buyer’s account is debited and such currency is deposited in the seller’s account.

How are cryptocurrency transactions done?

When a user initiates the transaction, his or her computer sends a public cipher or public key that communicates with the recipient of the currency’s private cipher. If the recipient accepts this transaction, the starting computer adds a piece of code to a block of several encrypted codes that are known to every user on the network. 

Transaction stability

Die Hard users swear by BitCoin for its irrational nature, international acceptance, anonymity, transaction stability and data security. Unlike paper currency, no central bank controls the pressure of inflation on cryptocurrency. Transaction ledgers are secured in a peer-to-peer network. This means that copies of every computer chips and database in its computing power are stored on every node in the network. Banks, on the other hand, store transaction data in central reserves that are held by private individuals held by the firm.

How can cryptocurrency be used for money laundering?

The fact that cryptocurrency has no control over central banks or tax authorities means that transactions cannot always be tagged to a particular individual. This means that we do not know whether the transformer has legally acquired the store. The transactional store is similarly skeptical as no one can tell what was considered for the receiving currency.

What does Indian law say about such virtual currencies?

Virtual currencies or crypto currencies are generally viewed as pieces of software and are therefore classified. Well, in addition to being indirect tax on their sale or purchase, GST will also apply to the services provided by the miners. There is still considerable confusion as to whether crypto currencies are valid in India and whether the RBI, which employs clearance and payment systems and pre-payable negotiation instruments. Income from the sale of securities included in virtual currencies is also taxed on income and consequently the filing of IT returns online.