
Top 15 Must-Have AI Applications to Boost Your eCommerce Business in 2021

AI applications

With the growing trend of switching to online marketing, you may be wondering what AI applications you can derive from automating matters in the business. What people must understand is that Artificial Intelligence delivers a strong impact in the eCommerce industry. Many companies are using AI applications for a variety of purposes, such as monitoring marketing campaigns, automating sales, and enhancing the overall quality of the user experience.

With the still on-going threat of the deadly COVID-19 virus, the world has become more reliant on getting everything done online. Banking transactions, for example, can be completed without heading out to the bank. But the industry that seems to really expound the most is eCommerce. With a projected market volume of $4479 billion this year, it is not surprising how businesses are clamoring to get their online shops upgraded by using AI.

But what exactly are the benefits of AI in eCommerce?

How AI Improves eCommerce

Data gathering is essential in efficiently running a business. The information provided by the customers can help in improving products and services. The whole process of collecting and processing these data, however, is not only tiring but time-consuming. Not with AI.

Artificial intelligence is a broad term that is used to describe a powerful technology that is meant to predict, sense, and automate a set of services without human intervention. Otherwise known as intelligent automation, AI benefits the ecommerce industry in more ways than you can imagine.

Some Ai Applications That Can Boost Your Ecommerce Business In 2021 Include:

1. Personalized Recommendations. 

Targeting the right customers is essential in driving up conversions and sales. AI gives that sense of being valued as a customer when the right ads come up to specific groups of people. This is possible using AI applications as they can track and analyze purchasing and browsing behaviors of customers.

2. Retarget Potential Customers. 

One of the challenges that the marketing team faces is following up leads. To enhance the sales cycle, artificial intelligence is used to remarket based on different cues, like in-store dwell time. Some businesses are already using facial recognition to note how much time a customer dwells on a specific product. The data is then stored into an AI ecommerce database and is used to anticipate special offers that might be interesting to specific users.

3. Develop an Efficient Sales Process. 

In truth, people shop online for convenience. Improving the user experience makes it easier for a shop to encourage potential customers into buying. Integrating AI in the sales process makes understanding customer behavior easier. Gone are those days of cold-calling customers. Now you can tailor problem-solving solutions in reaching customers, like finding the perfect products that match with their queries using AI.

4. Smart Searches. 

One of the significant factors in increasing the conversion rate is the efficiency of the search feature. It can be such a frustrating experience for the shoppers if they cannot find what they are looking for in an online shop. Although spelling mistakes and other issues might affect the search, it makes a huge difference if the system can get past those. Amazon, for example, does not do with an exasperating “Item not found” error because of a typo. Instead, they apply smart search using AI to provide alternatives or relevant products in the shop.

Augmented Reality. Since online shopping takes away the in-person shopping experience, AR tools make it more realistic. Nifty tools, like Removal.AI makes it easier for eCommerce merchants to use to remove background from images and enhanced photos for Augmented Reality. 

Being able to virtually try on products is a huge help for customers and makes the shopping experience authentic and delightful.

5. Voice Search Integration. 

Another way to enhance search techniques is by adding a voice search feature. It is convenient to use especially among those who find typing search queries a hassle. Aside from convenience, shopping using natural speech is much faster and can even be used for interactive campaigns.

6. Conversational Chatbots. 

Chatbots can give automated responses for business queries. Because of the evolving technology, these tools are becoming more intelligent and are somewhat conversational. They are also prompt with their responses and this factor matters a lot with customers. Being able to answer quickly can encourage the decision to purchase an item.

7. Warehouse Automation. 

Smart robots that are powered by AI technology make a huge difference in warehousing stocks. Unlike humans, these robots work without breaks but still do it with more accuracy. Human injuries in warehouses are also lessened or even eliminated completely. Because everything is controlled by computers, communication between smart robots and the warehouse software is also more efficient. This can lead to fast stocking and retrieval, a few likelihood of stock damage, and a lower labor cost.

8. Safe Shopping. 

AI can be used to remotely update security databases. It can be programmed to analyze data logs and detect threats. Unusual activities can be monitored and be given action at once without the need to be prompted. It can also be set to pinpoint potential weaknesses and security flaws. This is very crucial in securing the website.

9. Data Management. 

Wisely maintaining customer data is essential because it is what will help you in using the data for a ton of purposes. Customer profiles, for example, can aid in product development. With AI, you do not have to manually sort out data structures before you can use them. Since it is secured, potentially valuable data can be kept away from prying individuals, like hackers.

10.  Email Marketing. 

Unlike sending generic emails, campaigns become more interactive with AI. It can be tailored according to the customers’ profiles so that emails are more humane. It can even be programmed to make responses after analyzing customer response, geographical location, and feedback.

11. Image Recognition. 

One cool feature of some shopping portals is the ability to identify similar items from photos. Image recognition software makes it easy to shop for items found on celebrity photos and then recreate the same look.

12. Responsive Mobile Shopping. 

In the earlier days of internet shopping, people resorted to using their desktop computers and laptops to access online shops. With AI technology, these websites are able to adapt to whatever mobile device is used by the shopper. This gives an enhanced shopping experience wherein customers get to shop even through a mobile device.

13. Virtual Personal Shoppers. 

A shop assistant makes shopping for things a breeze. An AI-enabled smart shopper works like a personal shop assistant wherein it solves queries and gives suggestions and solutions according to the cues that the customers give. For example, customers have to tick boxes or enter specific words and let the virtual shopper find items that match with their selections.

14. Handling Reviews.

What customers read online can influence their buying decisions. AI-technology tackles fake reviews so that customers are able to make unbiased decisions when reading through product reviews.

15. Smooth Checking Out Process. 

Even though customers have made the decision to purchase products, this can still change depending on their check out experience. A smooth process does not only close the sales real quick but it also gives a positive experience that will prompt customers to shop again.

While there are a number of other benefits that we can discuss more, one of the most important things that you must note about using artificial intelligence is that it fuels the evolution of ecommerce. These AI applications prove that this technology has become a necessity in terms of providing an enhanced customer experience, understanding current customers, and generating new leads.

Now that you are fully aware of the neat perks of using AI technology, why not try it so you can reap its benefits?
