Site icon TechRado -The Best React JSON Tool Available on the Internet

code is an online REPL tool that provides 26 conversions. Most of them are from JSON to other formats.

React Conversions:
Everyone knows how powerful and important react is. According to reports, React is the most used language by startups. While working in react developers face a lot of issues from SVG to event binding. Codertrick tries to make them solve easier by providing important conversions.

  • JSON to React PropTypes
  • SVG to React Native
  • CSS to JS Object
  • CSS to Emotion Beta
  • Object Styles to a template literal

Javascript/ JSON Conversions:

With the past years, JSON has become the main component of the web world. This tool provides very important JSON Conversion like JSON to typescript.

JSON to Rust Conversions:

Thanks to the developer of this tool, it is the only tool available on the internet that provides JSON to rust or JSON to rust serder conversions.

  • JSON to Rust Serde
  • JSON Schema to Rust Serde

JSON to Database Conversions:

Some Important DB conversion tools provide by this tool are as follows. It’s very hard to convert JSON to MySQL but the beauty of this tool is that it converts it easily.

JSON to Scala Conversion:
As its name suggests (Codertrick) it transforms JSON to Scala in a very nice and tricky way.

  • JSON to Scala Case Class

JSON to GraphQL Conversions:
For GraphQL this tool provides conversions like GraphQL to typescript and Flow.

JSON to GO Conversion:
Go is one of the important languages of the web development world. This tool can convert JSON to Go struct for the ease of developers.

Other Important Conversions:
Some other important conversions are as follows.

The icing on the cake is that it comes with a dark mode feature that converts REPL beautiful and enhances Developer’s productivity.