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How to learn React.js in 2020?


With the advancements made in graphic user interfaces, the way individuals and businesses use computers has changed drastically. In the graphical user interface build space, React is a framework that is the most dominant. React was developed by Facebook and it is currently one of the most important skills you should learn if you plan on having a career as a front-end developer. The earning potential of a React developer is high, while an experienced React developer earns even more. This is the right time to become a React developer. With a thorough and hands-on React JS online course, you can gain a stronghold in the framework.  

What is it used for? 

Being a powerful tool, React.js can be used for specific projects. Typically, it is good for use in projects having several components whose states keep changing rapidly along with navigation items, user login, dynamic inputs, access permissions, disabled/active buttons, collapsed/expanded accordion sessions, etc. 

Why is it so popular? 

Following are the reasons why React.js is one of the most popular frameworks: 

  • It allows developers to write apps within JavaScript 
  • It has components that help developers to break down complex UI 
  • It allows you to popular components through Props using custom data 
  • With it, you can use the state to store all the changes in one section 
  • The app runs faster with the use of virtual DOM.  

Why should you learn React? 

As a beginner, you might be intrigued to learn about all the modern JavaScript libraries. However, an important question to ask is why is it needed. Why do you need to understand React.js in the first place? It is good to know that it is in high demand for jobs and among companies.  

The question ‘Why this is important for me’ applies not only to React but also all other frameworks and libraries that you can learn. You need to know what issues React solves for you. There is no point in throwing a library on top of your tech stack if you don’t experience the issues to start with. Implementing applications with vanilla JavaScript and React can be a great way to learn things. That way, you get to know the problems that are being solved by the new library. You can use the same approach to decide what you want to learn: React or another solution like Angular and Vue. Build basic applications and compare your experience developing them. That way, you have a clearer idea of which solution is right? 

What are the benefits of getting online training to React? 

Getting trained online on React offers several benefits, including: 

  • React.js has a well-defined lifecycle, which makes it easier to understand. It also uses plain JavaScript and a component-based approach.  
  • You can easily understand React if you have a basic knowledge of general programming 
  • React Native can be used to create mobile applications 
  • It uses Flux as its application architecture and one-data data binding for controlling data flow through one point. Hence, debugging self-contained components becomes easier.  
  • It is extremely easy to test React JS applications.  

Learning with React documentation 

Now that you know the benefits of learning React and why it is needed, you would want to know how to start from scratch. One of the best ways of starting your learning journey in React.js is through the official documentation. The content keeps getting updated with the recent modifications. It is put together by the core team of React and its community, so you get to learn everything the way you are supposed to.  

Of course, if you are a beginner, getting referred to library documentation can be a bit overwhelming in web development. Regardless, it is still the best way of learning something new. As a developer, on your career path, you will get accustomed to learning the latest things with the help of documentation. So, why not start getting accustomed to it straight away? Learning React with documentation has its benefits: 

  • Tutorial for beginners 
  • Opinionated way to do things 
  • No commercial interest 
  • Put together thoughtfully by the core community and contributors 
  • Updates of new versions and latest materials 
  • API references 

Whenever you are picking up new technology, it is helpful to go through the documentation of the technology and check where it has a beginner tutorial. In most cases, you will find it and that can be your entry point. Thereafter, you can search for learning materials. Of course, undergoing a professional course goes a long way in developing proficiency as well. With proper online training for React.js, you can be more effective and efficient in learning the framework.  

How to become a React developer? 

Just as is the case with any other language, you need to spend a considerable amount of time practicing and learning to become a React developer. You can start things off by: 

  • Gaining a basic understanding of JavaScript and HTML 
  • Have an understanding of the fundamental React concepts through training programs or online tutorials. Some top websites offer training programs to help you with your learning process.  
  • After you have gained familiarity with the basic concepts, you can begin by working on small web apps that help you get a better grasp of the subject. Your focus should always be on the concepts you have learned as well as the best practices.  
  • Active participation in online forums is also helpful. Try answering as many questions as you can. Even if you can’t answer a question, you should follow the question to try and understand the problem and its solution.  
  • Last but not the least, you need to keep practicing. If you are stuck somewhere, you can always search online for a solution. You can find various codes online.  

How to choose your course provider? 

When you are searching for a course provider to learn React.js, make sure you look at the course structure. Another factor to consider is the availability of hands-on assignments. Of course,  you also have to take a look at the cost of the course.