
Teaching Boys Good Bathroom Habits – From Boys to Men

Boys and girls can make some serious messes in the bathroom, from clogged toilets to pee-soaked walls. This is why teaching children good bathroom habits is so important.

Some aspects of toilet training are the same for both boys and girls, but there are some things that boys need to know more about, such as lifting the seat while they pee and putting it back down afterward.

  1. Use the Potty

For many boys, potty training is a process of trial and error. They don’t always feel the urge to go or know what they need to do when they have it, and they often get distracted by toys, video games, and activities. This can make it difficult for parents to help them. It is important to set a good example but also to remember that young children learn by imitation and need plenty of patience.

To start, have your child sit on the toilet regularly with their clothes still on — including underwear and pants. This will help them become more familiar with the feeling of urinating and defecating without having to pull down their pants. Having them watch you use the potty or a sibling’s can be helpful as well. And a step stool can be a big help for males who need to reach the toilet. Choose age-appropriate words for body fluids, functions, and parts – like “pee” and “poo.” It is also important to teach boys how to grasp their penis to direct their urine stream into the toilet bowl rather than spraying it all over the bathroom. Toilet target practice works well for many kids; stickers in the bowl that change color to indicate when they have successfully hit their mark can be fun.

Some kids are ready to begin potty training as soon as they’re old enough to sit down — or even before then. Others aren’t ready until they’re a little older, which is also okay. It is important to have your child on the potty at regular times throughout the day, especially first thing in the morning, after meals and snacks, before and after naps, and at bedtime.

After your child finishes a bowel movement, remind them to wash their hands to prevent germs from spreading. You can also help them to wash their face, torso, arms, and legs in the bathtub. When they’re done, try to have them dry and dressed as quickly as possible. This can be challenging for many boys, so it’s important to encourage them and give lots of praise for their success.

  1. Wash Your Hands

Handwashing is one of the most important habits we can develop to keep ourselves healthy. It can help prevent the spread of germs that cause illnesses like colds, flu, and diarrhea.

It’s important to teach kids how to wash their hands correctly and often. They may not always do it right away or consistently, but they will get better by reminding them and demonstrating the proper way to wash their hands.

Washing hands is especially critical during the COVID-19 pandemic and all year long. Germs can be spread when kids touch things after coughing or sneezing, before touching food, or even after going to the bathroom. Handwashing can reduce germs entering the body, decrease the chance of getting sick, and help kids feel better faster.

While washing your hands, it’s important to scrub vigorously for at least 20 seconds. This helps remove germs from the back of your hands, wrists, palms, between fingers, and under fingernails. Using clean running water rather than standing water in a basin is also important.

After washing your hands, make sure to dry them with a clean towel or paper towel. This is another step that’s easily overlooked but can be one of the most important steps to keeping your hands clean. It’s also important to avoid contact with things like door handles, faucets, and sink levers, which can have lots of germs on them.

In addition to encouraging good hygiene habits in the bathroom, you can talk to your children about other health-related issues, such as the importance of wearing a helmet when riding a bike and the dangers of drinking alcohol. You can set them up for success by teaching them good habits now.

From Boys to Men empowers parents with insights, tips, and a common-sense approach to helping their sons thrive as they navigate the minefield of adolescence. Filled with expert medical advice, personal anecdotes, and a heartfelt dose of humor, this book is the go-to resource for helping their male loved ones be safe, strong, and confident.

  1. Sweep the Floor

Even when kids have reached the age when they’re done wearing diapers and are able to go potty on their own, it is important for them to learn bathroom etiquette. From clogged toilets to overflowing sinks, there are many dangers inside the washroom that boys must be taught to avoid.

Start by teaching them that running or jumping inside the bathroom is dangerous and will cause them to lose balance and fall, possibly getting hurt or causing serious damage to their home. Next, teach them that sweeping the floor is the best way to keep it clean and free of germs.

Make it fun by letting them sing their favorite song or recite a poem while they sweep. This will help them remember to sweep more often so the bathroom stays nice and clean.

  1. Wash Your Hair

It is important to teach boys to wash their hair, especially after playing outside or going swimming. This prevents them from getting sick and also encourages good hygiene. Make sure to help them reach the faucet handle and soap dispenser with a sturdy step stool. They may need to wash their hair several times before it feels clean. It is also helpful to teach them to keep a hand towel clipped to a ring on the bathroom vanity, so it stays away from the floor where it could pick up dirt. A towel on the floor can cause kids to slip, fall, and hurt themselves.
