
How to Choose the Right Security Camera Installation Company


If you are thinking about installing security cameras around your business or home, chances are good you are interested in learning about some of the top security camera installation companies in your area. With that being said, just like you want to make sure that you are hiring the very best for any kind of work that you are having done around your business or home, you want to make sure that you are hiring a top security camera installation outfit. 

Luckily, there are some very straightforward ways for you to make sure that you are hiring one of the very best. Read more below to figure out how to choose the right security camera installation companies for you!

Start with Some Questions

When you are calling different security camera installation companies in your area or reaching out to them online, there are a large number of questions that you will want to have ready to get a good idea of how professional and experienced they are. 

Here are some key questions to have ready when you reach out to different companies you are thinking about working with:

  • What type of security cameras should I use?
  • How will I be able to connect my security camera to my video management system?
  • What is the best type of video management system that I should purchase?
  • What type of storage should I use?

Keep in mind that the answers to these questions are important, but you can also use the questions themselves as a litmus test. Make sure that the person you are speaking with sounds confident, highly educated and experienced with many different kinds of cameras and security systems.

If they sound as though they do not really know what they are talking about, or are only seeming to push one or two different products rather than a wide array of different options, you will want to seriously consider looking at different options. 

Narrow the Field 

Once you have found a handful of companies that you are confident in, make sure to do some online research about them to find out what kinds of reviews they have from previous clients. You may even want to ask the company directly to get a list of former clients and their contact information so that you can reach out to them directly. 

From there, you will want to ask a few more questions just to help make your final decision that much easier. 

Those questions include:

  • Is your company licensed, bonded and insured?
  • Can you provide proof of documentation if needed?
  • How many video surveillance system installations have you installed and have there been any issues with them?
  • Can you provide pictures of what the cabling, mounting and camera placement looks like in any of your previous installation jobs?
  • What additional certifications do you have, if any?
  • What sort of warranty or guarantee do you offer?

Once you get the answer to all these important questions, you should know precisely which company you want to work with.
