
5 Critical Elements Of A Successful Product Design Process


There is a reason why some brands are always at the forefront of creating successful products. Think about the latest iPhone or the newest Tesla car, every time a new model comes out, it automatically becomes a best seller. 

Have you ever paused to think why some brands do better than others? 

Yes, factors like marketing, dealer networks, maintenance, and aspirational value are all there. In most instances, we tend to look at these factors and overlook something far more important. 

However, beneath all that is the foundation, the very base that helps them become successful- an Excellent Product!

Any successful product that is loved by the consumers and registers high sales volumes starts its life from a design. According to experts, an area where leading brands are willing to invest the big bucks is in the field of Product Design.

In this article, we are going to discuss five critical elements that make a successful product design process. 

List of 5 Critical Elements that make a Successful Product Design Process

  1. The Foundation of User Research-

The best companies start their research for a new product from their customer base. They extensively research what their customers want, expect, and start with the design process. Bigger cameras, larger batteries, more efficiency are all areas that for the starting point for product design. Without effective inputs, a product design process is destined to fail. 

  1. Addressing the Problem Areas through Product- 

What does the product intend to solve? This question guides the design process. It allows the designers and engineers to come together and then start the process by addressing the major areas. Again, this is a process that is actively dependent on the inputs that the customers or end-users of the product have made. This is the second critical element of a design process. 

  1. Starting with Storyboarding and Renderings- 

This is where product designers start using CAD drafting services to help create product design renders. They build from existing inputs in the case of new versions of existing products, or they start the process from scratch. There are several versions of designs that are created to combine both form and function. This is a component of product design. 

  1. Creating Prototypes following the rendering process- 

Good companies create not one, but at least three to five prototypes for one product. They do that intending to select the ones that appear best. Different thought processes, inputs, and patterns are put on the different prototypes. At this stage, the different verticals of the organization- marketing, design, engineering, and sales all get together to thrash details. 

  1. Extensive Testing of the Prototypes- 

There is a reason that not all prototypes make it to production. The major reason for the same is that they do not hold up to real-world applications during rigorous testing. Good brands test products for six months to many years. The more tests they can do, the better are the niggles and worries they can spot and address before final manufacturing. 

How Important is Product Vision for Successful Design and Manufacturing?

There is a reason why design and engineering heads are paid six or seven-figure salaries. They are gifted with something known as Product Vision!

Product Vision is the ability to conceive ideas around the product and then to put in place steps that can effectively execute the same. Leading CEOs of our times have been famous for having exceptional product vision. 

Whether it has been Steve Jobs or a Ferrucio Lamborghini, they have all had an idea about what their final product should look like and be capable of. Successful product vision is combining both form and function alike. 

Three integral questions are addressed in the minds of someone when they are having a product vision- 

  • What are the functions of the product and are they good enough to solve the problems?
  • Can users be able to use the product easily without a lot of worries and stress?
  • Will people want to own the product based on its desirability, form, and function?

The Final Word

Designing products that sell in the millions is not easy. If it was, everyone would be doing it. However, the major problem does not lie in advanced solutions. It lies in addressing the basics- understanding the problems of the users and presenting your product as a viable solution. If you have any other questions, you would like us to address on product design, let us know in the comments below. We will be more than happy to clarify them. 

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