
What Online Writers Know About Blogging as Part Event Marketing Campaign


Blog marketing

Today, people are using various platforms for their marketing campaigns. Such platforms include social media. However, people are yet to explore the potential of blogging for their marketing. Blog marketing involves the use of a blog to reach your target market. Blogging has grown in terms of popularity and ease. So, you can easily use blog posts to digitally market your event.  

Let us look at some of the reasons why you need blogging to be part of your event marketing campaign. 

Reasons why you need a blog to market your event

  • Attract and win new customers

Today, millions of people conduct online research before making any purchase. They search for information that would help them make smart decisions. Unlike before, consumers are wiser and want to make good purchasing decisions. So, you can get their attention by giving them the information they are looking for. This way, they will have a reason to spend on your event. 

Through a blog, you can avail all the relevant information about your event. Then, event shoppers will use it to make an informed decision in purchasing a ticket to the event. According to Mike Richard, a content writer at Essay Mojo says, “A blog gives you an opportunity to share what you are all about. You can share any details, images, and videos. With this information, customers can decide if they want to attend the event. You can use a blog to convince potential customers about the valuable experience you can offer them. This will leave them curious and excited to attend your event’’. Therefore, you should take advantage of a blog to inform potential customers about your event, brand, and expected experiences ONMA.

  • Building strong relationships with existing customers

You can use a blog to strengthen your relationships with past event attendees. Blogs provide a great platform for creating higher engagement with loyal customers. Enable your blog readers to write and comment on your posts for even greater benefits for your event. Such comments, especially, positive feedback, build event credibility. The positive feedback tells your readers that your event was good if attendees of the past event came back to leave positive comments. 

You can mix videos, pictures, and writing to appeal to all readers. After all, not everyone like reading. For instance, you can post your blog on social media platforms to highlight it. Here, you can share photo stories and then tell your audience about the uploaded story on your event. Engage the audience in these platforms. This can help you build loyalty between attendees and your event. 

  • Effective sharing of information 

Social media platforms are considered the major way of sharing information. This is actually true. You can share any information about your event including notifications and updates. But, social media comes with restrictions. You are limited in terms of details and also characters. Social media controls what you want to say. Blogs, on the other hand, give you control. What you say and how you say it is up to you. Blogs can be short or long as you like. You can also use as many videos, images, or content as you like. 

  • Easy sharing of information 

With social share buttons, you can easily share your blog posts on social media platforms. In blog marketing we say, social media is a tool of delivering information while a blog is a message itself. Once you share the post on your event on social media, it spreads like wildfire. The most important thing is ensuring that the message or content resonates with the target audience. It can be possible through different mediums like website,social media and vlogging.You must have a good website hosting to handle visitors and strong following on social media and a huge number of subscribers on youtube to target wide range of audience.

  • Findability

Findability is also, what people call Search Engine optimization. Ability to show up in Google searches. The more blogs posts you write the more the chances of being found online. So, if you write many posts about your event, people are more likely to find you on Google searches. You can, therefore, market the event by producing more content. This means writing at least one blog post per week. 

You must, however, focus on keywords. These are words that people are likely to search related to your event. For instance, if it’s a music festival event hosting various music bands, write a blog about a specific music band. This increases the chance of your event being findable in Google searchers. Every time you write about a specific music band, you increase the chances of a new person finding your event on the internet. 

How to use a blog to market your event

Blog marketing is as easy as opening a blog and promoting your event. This is done within a few minutes. Following is a guide on how to do it.

  • Develop a blog marketing plan.

Here, you focus on the content you are going to share, and how often the content will be updated. 

  • Create the blog

Set up your blog. Remember to customize it to fit your business. If you have a website, use the same logo for consistency. 

  • Add posts to the blog

Ensure your blog is filled with posts. You can start with 10 or more posts. Then, post others based on your regular schedule. Regular posting doesn’t mean that you should start plagiarizing material from the internet. Many people take help from the web when they are running out of time, and they end up copying. It should be avoided, and before publishing, make sure to use Plagiarism checker  on each post for identifying and removing plagiarized text.

  • Market the blog

Integrate the blog with social media as part of your blog marketing. This will make your posts reach out to many followers. 

  1. Provide feedback

Blogs are supposed to be social. People will ask questions, give feedback, and share opinions. So, take time to reply to comments.

  • Encourage Email signups

Emails signups encourage people to come back to the blog. This increases the chance of them using the money on your business. 

Final Thought 

Blogging should be part of your event marketing campaign. Today, it is clear how important blogging is as a communication channel. You should, therefore, use it to market your campaign. Post content on relevant topics for your target audience. This will help build a loyal following raising awareness of your event. 

Content marketing has changed how people market their business. It is now possible to attract more customers through this strategy. So, consider including a blog in your event marketing campaign. This will definitely attract more potential attendees. Most importantly, remember to update the content regularly to keep the audience interested. 

What can you do to stand out?

There are bigger businesses that are using blog marketing successfully. Look at their strategy before developing your blog marketing plan. This will help you in developing an effective plan. 

The benefits of blogging for your event marketing are many. With enough dedication, you can greatly benefit from such a strategy. Remember blog marketing is cheap to start and run. It is simple to use. Therefore, you have no reason to be afraid of this technology.

Ensure your blog is filled with posts. You can start with 10 or more posts. Then, post others based on your regular schedule. Regular posting doesn’t mean that you should start plagiarizing material from the internet. Many people take help from the web when they are running out of time, and they end up copying. It should be avoided, and before publishing, make sure to use Online Plagiarism Software on each post for identifying and removing plagiarized text.
